2018 Cross Year Prayer
- The highest point in our spiritual experience is having a clear sky with the throne above it. The throne is not only for God to reign over us but also for Him to accomplish His eternal purpose. God is God of purpose, having a will according to His good pleasure. In His economy, God administrates the universe to fulfill His purpose. If we have a throne in our spiritual life, God will not only rule over us but will also fulfill His purpose in us, with us, and through us.
- In Leviticus God was in the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting, and spoke in the Tent of Meeting. God trained His people to worship and partake of Him through the offerings and the priesthood. God trained His people to live a holy, clean and rejoicing life.
- The burnt offering, which was wholly for God’s satisfaction, as food for God, signifies Christ as God’s pleasure and satisfaction, as the One whose living on earth was absolutely for God. The more we enjoy Christ, the more we realize how sinful we are; then we can take Him as our sin offering more deeply than ever, and this causes us to enjoy Him more as the burnt offering. We need to worship the Father with Christ as the burnt offering for God’s satisfaction. We are being reduced to ashes to become the New Jerusalem for God’s expression. The burnt offering typifies Christ not mainly in His redeeming man from sin but in His living a life that is absolutely for God and in His being the life that enables God’s people to have such a living. All our service to God must be based on the fire from the altar of burnt offering.
- The meal offering typifies Christ in His God-man living. The meal offering typifies our Christian life as a duplication of Christ’s God-man living. Eating Christ as the meal offering to become the reproduction of Christ for the fulfillment of God’s purpose.
- The increase and spread of the testimony of the Lord’s recovery to all the nations to fulfill the Lord’s prophecy in Matthew 24:14 concerning the announcing of the gospel of the kingdom for the consummation of this age.
- The worldwide propagation of the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee through various media to gain the seeking people in all the languages, to perfect the believers for their growth in life unto maturity, to produce the one new man, and to prepare the bride of Christ for His coming.
- The continuation of the ministry of prayer in all the churches for the intercession concerning the world situation and the Lord’s move in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Australasia, and Israel, Germany, for the consummation of this age.
- The building up of the local churches for the building up of the organic Body of Christ through the growth in life of all the saints unto maturity to consummate the New Jerusalem as the eternal, corporate expression of the processed and consummated Triune God.
- Again, truly I say to you that if two of you are in harmony on earth concerning any matter for which they ask, it will be done for them from My Father who is in the heavens.( 18:19 ) May the Lord bless us to continue the practice of 2 or 3, mutual greeting, interceding, thanksgiving, visiting, gospel preaching, and pursuing the truth; practice the begetting, nourishing, teaching and prophesying church life in homes, small groups, and districts.
- Thanks to the Lord for near 460 saints, including over 100 young people and children attending the end of year blending meeting. May our Lord continue to bless us for 20% increase in 2018.
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