Fellowship regarding to Meeting In-Person and Online
In order to facilitate better communication among the saints, we will like to encourage saints to get a WhatsApp account. Please add brother Ben Wu (562-412-9923) or David Chiu (608-772-5870) as contact in WhatsApp and we will set up chat groups based on meeting group arrangement for better communication. Please do so as soon as possible.
Dear brothers and sisters,
Since 3/15 of last year, we have been meeting online due to pandemic. COVID situation will linger in the near future still, however both FTTA and FTTMA have started in-person meeting this term. Starting this October, we will start limited in-person meeting on Lord’s Day with the following guidelines:
- In-person meeting is open to those who are willing to come and who are fully vaccinated. Those who come need to wear mask in the meeting.
- There is no childcare provided. Children meeting will remain online at this time.
- Meeting place will have door / windows opened; we will turn on AC if needed for better ventilation.
- Family members can sit together (e.g., husband and wife), with distancing between chairs to maximize physical distance.
We will still have online meeting via Zoom. Details on meeting arrangement will be announced this week.
In general, we like to ask saints to practice the following to limit the spread of COVID:
- If you are feeling unwell, stay home
- Get vaccinated
- Wear a mask properly covering your nose and mouth
- Physically distance as much as possible
- Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds
- If you think you have been exposed, contact your healthcare provider for testing, or call 2-1-1 to find the nearest L.A. County testing facility (e.g., https://www.covidclinic.org/)
The church in Cerritos will resume having Lord’s table meeting in person on 10/3/2021 at the meeting hall 3 with some restrictions. In order to the preparation for the lord’s day meeting, we will clean up the meeting hall 3 at 12:30 pm on 9/26/2021 (this coming Lord’s Day). Please come to the meeting hall 3 and join in cleaning this coming Lord’s Day if you will be available.
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